class JSCFunction


JSCFunction represents a JavaScript's native function(a function that run native code instead of javascript).

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

FUNCTIONS = [] of JSCFunction


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Invokable

invoke(name : String, *args) invoke

Instance methods inherited from module JSObjectUtils

[](name : String)
[](index : UInt32)
, []=(name : String, value)
[]=(index : UInt32, value)
, delete(name : String) delete, is_array? is_array?, is_bool? is_bool?, is_instance_of?(class_name : String) is_instance_of?, is_null? is_null?, is_number? is_number?, is_string? is_string?, is_undefined? is_undefined?, to_b to_b, to_f64 to_f64, to_i32 to_i32, to_s to_s

Constructor Detail

def : Array(JSCPrimative | JSCFunction | JSCObject) -> _, name : String? = nil, auto_save : Bool = true) #

Initializes a JavaScript native function. For short, uses WebExtension.function macro instead.

NOTE IMPORTANT. Does not directly use parameter as return value. The following code won't work.

WebExtension.function params do
  params.first # => Directly returns function parameter(s) is not recommended and may crash program

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Class Method Detail

def self.raise(message : String) #

Raises a JavaScript Error with given message.

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Instance Method Detail

def call(*args) #

Calls the function.

E.g:, 2

NOTE Calling function this way won't make JS this operator usable. In case of invoking object's method, uses Invokable#invoke instead.

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def finalize #

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